zaterdag 29 september 2012

Jos Peperkamp , Paintings Greece, 2012

Jos Peperkamp , Aristoteles,The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal

Jos Peperkamp , Heraclitus,You do not bathe twice in the same river

Jos Peperkamp , Hippocrates ; "Anything too much is lost in battle with nature
Jos Peperkamp, Socrates - Who is not satisfied with what he has will not be satisfied with what he gets

Jos Peperkamp, Xenophon - "Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything

Jos Peperkamp,Democritus ;"Politeness is the oil that the mutual friction decreases."

Jos Peperkamp, Pythagoras ; "everything changes, nothing decays"

Jos Peperkamp , Zeno van elea ; "Nature has given us two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more than talk"
JosPeperkamp,Plato; "The method speaks because he has something to say, the dumb speaks only to have something to say"

Jos Peperkamp Leucippus ; Nothing is random, but everything for a reason and by necessity.

vrijdag 31 augustus 2012